Tuesday, April 3

I returned to Bristol Saturday afternoon

and am just starting to dry out at the edges. The first Devon day was drizzly, the second was showery, the third really rather rainy, the fourth, fifth and sixth days poured buckets unendingly. Saturday morning was dry but overcast so I took Old Dog for a trip to Sidmouth - a 1950's seaside town slotted in a valley between eye-bogglingly red cliffs.

On Easter Sunday one of the lodgers locked herself in her room with a medical emergency - something to do with recreational drugs and a bit scary but we've recovered now.

This morning the scaffolders arrived to metal-up the front of our house. The very chatty decorator arrives tomorrow. This afternoon I suddenly hated the test colour patches that I'd painted on the front wall and went rushing around the neighbourhood with a paint swatch book, holding the coloured squares against houses that I think look nice. At the moment I think we're going with 'Frosted Sage'.

This is my 1005th post, I always just miss significant anniversaries so I'll just say now that in three months I'll have been Sandwiching for TEN YEARS


  1. Alright, given my lamentable record on anniversaries of all stripes, I'll get in now with a "Happy blogiversary,Lulul!"

    Did you have to de-hinge the door to rescue that lodger? Hope it doesn't happen again.

    1. Thank you, nearly had to get a battering ram involved

  2. Was Frosted Sage inspired by the beautiful hues of Devonshire?

    1. Way too subtle - the paint tin for Devon is labelled 'Magic Mushroom Meanderings'

  3. Welcome to my soggy world.
    Yay!! Happy Anniversary!!! I am also 10 this year... I've never counted how many posts Ive written - probably a lot less than you!

  4. WOW! I saw the scaffolding on IG and was surprised how tall your house is! For some reason I pictured it as a 2 story more rambling place. Thank you for the visual correction. I really need to get to Bristol, actually, I really need to travel again! I've been landlocked too long. (forgive the rambling comment) Glad you were able to get the lodger out without damaging the door! Also, congratulations on soon to be 10 years and 1005 posts! xoxox

    1. We are all tall in Bristol Sav - we need these sort of houses - there are no floors inside it's just straight up grass to roof xxxooo


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