Monday, May 22

Exhibition alert!

I lurk around noticeboards, if you click on the 'small ads' tag at the end of this post a host of posts around the subject will arrive.

These public notices are short stories, often poignant, sometimes funny, sometimes sad -  they are an illustration of our society, describing loneliness and need. They show us who is vulnerable, and how labour is valued . 

There's a lot of everyday sexism in these places. I've not yet seen an ad where a woman offers a man a place to sleep in return for managing her home maintenance and social needs.

I've done an exhibition about this

 it is on in London at postROOM,

41 Ecclesbourne rd N1 3AF 

open from Thurs 25th May - 17 June

open thurs - sat 2-6pm

more about this project can be found on my other website


  1. Congratulations Lulu!!! If I still lived close to London I'd be there in a shot. I love these suggestive narratives - right up my street!

  2. You should have included the R D Smith advert!
    Still makes me laugh like a drain!!!

  3. the RD Smith advert is divine, still drain laughing

  4. Congrats on the exhibition! In a past life, I worked for a few hours in afternoons for a local news agent and we did'n arf get some rum uns!
    "Leather riding whip and boots. 3 short rings on bottom button,ask for Mimi." was a favourite

  5. Sounds like the plot to MAUDIE - a true story. Then again, truth is stranger than fiction.

  6. Maudie's a lovely movie and you're right about the strangeness of truth Lulu xx

  7. Maudie's a sad lovely movie, you're right about the strangeness of truth xxx Lulu


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