Thursday, August 31

An actual god-sized bathtub of water tipped over our house last saturday


it came right into the house like the roof didn't even exist 

the stairs became a waterfall

what couldn't wait to come down the stairs squirted itself through the light fittings

I had that look on my face like Carrie after the buckets of blood dropped on her at the prom


Apart from that August hasn't been my favourite month this year.


  1. Burst pipe or wild weather?
    I know that Carrie pose! Frozen in shock and horror - I think I did it at least once in August as well.
    Weirdly, a leak has dried up in our house, and we are puzzled as to why. Maybe a lump of mud fell on the roof and filled a gap? Birds nest maybe??!!

  2. It was wild wild weather Scarlet. I hope you do actually have a magical self-healing roof - they're the best. xxxx Lulu


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