Tuesday, February 9

the elephant in the room

might have to be made visible for a moment

I've been at school for a few months now and have barely mentioned it that is because I'm struggling with some aspects of the experience and have been waiting for understanding to descend from the heavens:

i) there are a lot of special words which sound like Real World Words but in School World they mean something different - also the meaning slides around depending on who's using these words (abduction, affordance, agency, alterity ...)

ii) anything I might wish to say should be validated by referring back to a select group of European gentlemen - this is an example of what they call Cultural Capital*

iii) I need to learn how to 'strongly assert my position' - I may need to get a sex change before I can be this certain about everything

iv) it's all about arguments and a lot of the time the things being argued about aren't very interesting

* on the upside my Nosey Parkering is sanctioned by this sort of education - forming part of my newly acquired Cultural Capital


  1. I think a little monkey with a word wrench has been at work.viz https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiK-_ff2uvKAhWMoZQKHYimDs0QFggkMAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FAffordance&usg=AFQjCNErGk09hK6nOYUt3Z3mHlh1hSnH5Q&sig2=OjJsHYyv08TnpxIXNVojUQ&bvm=bv.113943665,d.dGo

  2. iii) Pick a favorite football team and beer. Rabidly support them, no matter what.

    I hope this helps.

    1. I'm afraid this college isn't the sporty sort - nor does it seem very beery. Just argue-ey

  3. You should get some marks for this illustration - do they do extra credit in your course? I also think the problem is with the system and not with you. I may not have sufficient alterity, however. Bless you.

    1. thank you Kim, I gave myself 150% for perseverance xxx

  4. Ha!! College hasn't changed a lot then.

    1. really? was it always like this?

    2. In fairness I was taught to question the European gentlemen, and I did have a couple of extremely knowledgeable feminist lecturers.... and this was 20 years ago. Maybe things are going backwards?


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