Friday, August 6

Seagull Attack - the return



Last time I visited Cornwall, a demonic seagull stole my ice cream - I wrote about it here.


Without noting the date* I visited the same beach last month, I was meeting a long-lost friend there. Telling her the amusing story - hahaha I said so let's not go buying any ice creams here 

 We went swimming and were having a lovely time and lost ourselves in chat and then she said I've got some lovely sandwiches will you have one? and I said yes please and we laid out a blanket and all the while that same evil seagull had been waiting for me and was watching us and when he knew we were good and stupid in our chat he swooped down with his knifey beak and sliced that delicious bun out of my fingers taking a good portion of my thumb with him


* it was exactly two years later - TO THE DAY


  1. Seagulls are like that, the same has happened to me.
    They always have ketchup smeared on their beaks, and they have the best timing ever. I have a sneaky admiration.

  2. Me too Ms Scarlet, they are definitely survivors xx

  3. They've recently found a monstrous beast out west of where I live and I bet that brute gobbled more than the odd sarnie!

  4. Di, that is one scary/hungry beast

    1. Update.21 Oct...turns out he was vegetarian!


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