Monday, May 30

This month I was a theatrical landlady, a doting daughter and a Cornish-cat sitter for one lazy cat and his lively sister. The lively one pissed on my bed the day I arrived and then decided that I was probably ok and spent the rest of my visit prancing around and testing my bath water.

 In my capacity as landlady, I hosted a wardrobe mistress from Singing in the Rain - thirty cast members  and they all get wet at the end -TWICE a day!!! That is a lot of dustbin-fulls of sodden clothing to lug upstairs to the laundry.

My Ma is in better spirits, I will post about our spot-the-queen walk next time


  1. Glad your Ma is in better spirits! You sound as if you've been BEYOND busy, sweetpea! xoxo

  2. Good grief! That's more washing than two Rugby teamsworth! Good news on the Mater front, though.

  3. Very pleased that your mum is on the mend.
    I don't envy the laundry - or the cat pee!

  4. Thank you Sav, Di and Scarls, Blogger seems to be making replies impossible xxx xxx xxx


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