Monday, October 28

how often does a thing have to happen before it becomes a Tradition?

I'm thinking at least twice.

This is my second year of getting involved with coffins around Halloween time. This time last year I was decorating some very modern bio-plastic 'Koffins' in Liverpool. This year  my 'coffin project' was to find/make a 'Bristol Coffin' for my neighbourhood funeral parlour*  - locally made from a sustainable wood source, one that will be no more expensive than the eco-nasty-cheapie MDF coffins sold by most funeral directors.

My investigation discovered a wood recycling yard near my swimming lake that is already making inexpensive coffins from reclaimed pallet planks, they will modify the design slightly to make them a little sleeker - I expect to display a photo here before too long.

Other things that have happened recently

1) The Man went to Utah to visit Bryce Canyon National Park, which is full of geological formations known as Hoodoos. He was hosted by a Mormon couple who sent him home loaded with gifts for me, these included:
a tiny white origami box filled with dried, sliced plums
a soap made from home-milked goats milk
a very beautiful oil painting of an evening landscape

2)  I bought some new everyday shoes to replace my very-old-and-collapsed everyday shoes, they are a bit hard though and the breaking-in process is making my feet bleed

3) *I have a part-time job as a Parlour Maid


  1. A parlour maid! Do you have to wear a starched white pinny?
    As for the shoes, all I can suggest is plasters, and plenty of them.

    1. There might be a national shortage of plasters when I'm done here. The pinny is plastic - and only gets put on in the morgue

  2. Parlour maid! How very "Upstairs, Downstairs" it sounds. I do hope your feet stop bleeding before you have to walk on posh Wilton!

    1. It's not a 'posh Wilton' sort of parlour Di - but on reflection you could say that 'Upstairs, Downstairs' comes into things

    2. I just saw your reply to Scarlet! I suppose blood on the floor wouldn't matter in *that* sort of parlour!

  3. This might help: (re the shoes)



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