Saturday, November 16

My sense of smell has become more acute

since I stopped using scented washing powder, I notice the Persil perfume on people sitting next to me on the bus these days and other odours seem more intense too. The people in charge of the mixing desk in my brain must have turned the smell control knob up to eleven.

I've started an instagram account for my sketchy stuff   @eats.shoots.draws   do follow


  1. I was having a similar conversation the other day. That centred mostly on men who still wear those dreadful after-shaves that became popular in the middle of the last century.

    I am not an instagrammer (or whatever their definitive is), but I'll pop across.

    1. other people's odours can certainly be very challenging Di. Thanks for popping over xx

  2. I've noticed the intense smell of fabric conditioner on Waitrose delivery people. My theory is that they are all instructed to wash their clothing in half a bottle of conditioner so as not to offend customers noses. Whatever happened to old fashioned deodorant?


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