I saw this graffiti which reminded me that I was going to invent a rain hat - it would be like that girl's wearing the newspaper except that it would be rubber and styled like a wig
I'm mainly spending time on my own which suits me quite well.
someone suggested swimming at Hackney Lido at night when the moon was
full - I don't much like swimming but I do like moons and I
am told that I ought to get out more
I said yes ok
day before the event we discovered that the Lido was closing early on
full moon night which was last night because they wanted to go and eat
Easter eggs so we met for this swim at the end of a vague grey afternoon
which is not the same thing at all as a full moon swim
and I don't much like swimming
and then we were hungry so when food was suggested
I said yes ok
Lido is attached to London Fields which is attached to Broadway Market
which is full of food shops and restaurants. I pointed at one that looked nice to me and we looked in the window to see that it was just the right
amount full and
the menu had a lot of things that I like including quite a lot of
things containing no meat but one of the girls pointed to a kebab place
over the road and said
that looks good and everyone else agreed so we
went there
One feature of kebab places is that they serve meat so we ordered the METRE OF MEAT speciality of the house - a METRE OF MEAT is a long plank piled high with meat
except the girl who wanted to come to this place - she just had humous because she is a vegetarian