Friday, July 10

In the news

In Bristol a blind piano tuner is in trouble for touching the bottoms of his female employees and licking them.

In London I am taking care of a huge hairy cat, a noisy madam with fluffy pantalooney legs who creeps up on me when I lie on the lawn and licks my armpit.

I arrived yesterday during a 48-hour tube strike and had to join all the rest of the world marching through the city overtaking grid-locked cars and buses. At St Pancras I passed this scene

Tomorrow I shall go to Tate Modern to see Sonia Delauney


  1. "Pantalooney legs" Perfect description!
    I missed my brother's wedding on account of a transport strike.

  2. We had a guy get shot in the leg on our street today but no bottom licking by blind piano tuners, alas. One of my stepfathers was a piano tuner and kids always asked me in school if he was blind. He tuned Glenn Gould's piano once in Victoria and I got to meet him and he spoke to me thusly I founded The Church Of Glenn Gould and thrived as a musician. xo

    1. When a man can't get a gun I guess he has to resort to bottom-licking. I love that you met GG xx

    2. It honestly changed my life and God he was beautiful. I keep him alive in my heart.

  3. Enjoy the cat-sitting and art!

    I was lucky and just skirted around the edges of the train drivers strikes during the last visit to Berlin. I would be at a total loss in the London tube strike.

    1. No you wouldn't you'd be like me and follow the crowds

  4. Well, that scene looks very avant-garde!
    And all this licking... we live in curious times.

    1. I sensed a children's book title 'The very Hungry Piano Tuner' curious indeed!


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