Wednesday, August 5

Office Party

Since the crew went off filming ants, the production office has gone very quiet. Miss Whiplash and I meet up occasionally to eat cake and play the office bongos but we broke out the Champagne yesterday when an email arrived to say that an episode of our insect series (Pollinators) is a finalist in a German Film Festival, I emailed the news on to one of the Camera Boys and asked him how things are going, this is his reply:


I've told The Director about Pollinators and he seemed very chuffed. All is indeed well here and we're churning out some darn cool footage and enjoying it too. Got some great stuff today of aphaenogaster (long legged ants) licking their queen's bottom. We are working in labs amongst lots of scientists, the rooms here are filled with hundreds of plastic boxes full of the ants - it is pretty fascinating. The daytime heat has a very similar feeling to pointing a hair drier at your face, so thankfully we're inside now! We had a seriously spicy Thai meal this evening in a restaurant and so we have put some toilet roll in the fridge in anticipation for tomorrow morning.



  1. It's not everyone can say they were once paid to film ants licking the Queen's bottom.

    On a more unpleasant note, can you just imagine the dosh you could command for film about PRINCE PHILIP licking THE QUEEN'S bottom?

  2. Perhaps MJ will stop by your office for cake!

    Best wishes to the Camera Boys for their heat-related sufferings.

  3. sometimes, i am sure y'all wish the camera boys had a sense of what constitutes TMI, sugar! *snickering*

  4. Did somebody mention CAKE?


    The entire series is brilliant!

    I encourage everyone to see it.

  5. Cela me rappelle un certain "Jean-François Fabre" immortalisé par Pierre Fresnay dans "Monsieur Fabre" ! Un film de 1951 .Il y a dans se film trois à quatre scènes ou des insectes sont filmés assez extraordinaire pour l'époque !!
    Résumé ;Jean-François Fabre consacre ses loisirs de professeur-assistant à Avignon à l'observation de la vie des insectes. Appelé à Paris par le ministre de l'Instruction Publique, présenté à l'Empereur, il reçoit la Légion d'honneur mais préfère aux honneurs qu'on lui offre la vie de famille auprès de ses cinq enfants. Accusé d'avoir donné des cours mixtes et appris à ses élèves comment se reproduisent les insectes, il donne sa démission. Mais cela ne l'empêche pas de continuer ses travaux et il reçoit les hommages du Président de la République.

    It reminds me of some "Jean-François Fabre" immortalised by Pierre Fresnay in "mister Fabre"! A film of 1951.Il has film in three-four stages there or insects are filmed rather extraordinary for epoch!!
    Summary; Jean-François Fabre dedicates his leisures of professor - helper in Avignon in the observation of the life of insects. Called in Paris by the minister of Public Education, introduced to the Emperor, he accepts the Legion of honour but prefers to honours that the home life to his five children is given him. Defendant to have given lessons mixed and taught to his pupils how reproduce insects, he gives his resignation. But it does not prevent it from continuing the jobs and he accepts respects of the President of the Republic.

  6. A/C, Thai food, and toilet paper! Clearly they're living the life of luxury!

    It's inevitable. In every society, there are leaders, followers, and butt kissers!

  7. Are subjects of the Queen allowed to say "licking their queen's bottom" in a public blog?? :) -kate

  8. Lots of cake in general on this blog Lulu, but no cake in particular. Specify, specify.

  9. Hi Lulu. Glad to hear about the Germans and their (rather belated) good taste. I see earwigs frequently here these days, usually scurrying out of the "clean" laundry (that I have dried on the line). I never see an earwig without thinking kindly of you. Enjoy that champagne. I am looking forward to the next insect film.

  10. Aphaenogaster ants licking their queen's bottom, eh? No surprise that it was such a big hit at the German Film Festival, then ;-)

  11. Oh my word - every trip to this here blog is a feast for the eyes and imagination - the Queen's Bottom would make a great title for the next film!!

  12. Mrs Assassin - you inspired the scribble on the latest Shooting Stories post.

    xl - She's already here!

    Savannah - Wildlife filming revolves around the 3 'F's Feeding Fighting ... and the last one is always TMI

    MJ - Thank you - More Cake?

    Crabbers - We are huge fans of Monieur Fabre I did a post about him a while back he was a true pioneer and he has a writing style similar to your own.

    Nous sommes les fanatiques de Fabre, un vrai originale avec un style d'écriture qui ressemble un peu le tien

  13. Hi Mr Swings - nothing too good for our boys!

    Kate - Not sure, but there are some heavy-looking men knocking on my door!

    Inkspot - We are not cakist and welcome all species of cake in our midst - almonds are best though

    KSV - Thanks - next insect film probably on your telly end of next year.

    Gadjo - I think you are more familiar with Germans than me

    Daisy - we may be renaming this one!

  14. Your film on ants sounds fascinating. I can't wait to see it. Will it be distributed in France?

    Have a great summer!

  15. Royalty of all species are used to bumlickers.

  16. Congratulations!!
    I'll crack open the fly biscuits.

  17. Lulu :

    J'ai fait quelques photos , parce que je suis également fanatique de "Monsieur Fabre" !

    I made some photographs, because I am also fanatic of “Mr Fabre” !

    "L'égalité, la seule égalité en ce monde, l'égalité devant l'asticot."

  18. Hey, congratulations on the award for the film. I can't wait to see it. We are off to France on Thursday and I'll be thinking of you as I pray (and spray) against those naughties of the insect world the harvest mites that seem to love to eat my flesh. Hmmm cold toilet paper sounds like a great idea. xxxx

  19. Congrats on the award from me, too.

    When do we get the film of Miss Whiplasg playing the bongos?

  20. Dedene - the ant film might get to France eventually, it's a Nat Geo thing so Arte might buy it.

    Glory - so true *sighs*

    I'll be round with Champers to go with the fly biscuits Scarls

    Crabbers - Tes photos sont mortale

    Send France my love Joey jojojojo

    Kev - Miss W and I might set up a sideline film industry - bongo playing could be involved

  21. fridge cold loo roll sums up a dodgy tummy in a hot country like nothing else could.

    Incidentally I've noticed a few dead bees around one of our buddleia - should I be worried?

  22. And here I thought ants might be more evolved, but their queen is all about bum licking, too.

  23. Frenchie - we should all be worried about dead bees.

    Red - Ants do drag out their useless queens too, so I guess she just gets her bum licked if it's worth it.

  24. Hope hope hope the award is given to this, most charming SmallTalk film.



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