Saturday, March 22

Water Recycling

I've just worked out how to get my not-too-soapy bath water into the water butt out front where my plants always die because I can't get enough water to them.

Claudia Winkelman is on the radio playing her 'inheritance tracks' and talking about work and family

What people don't realise is that television is really easy - anyone can do it, you just paint yourself orange, go on, read something then you can go home and do tea - the perfect job for a mother

I put my tiny rocket seedlings out in the sun yesterday which made the weather laugh at me and throw icy stones down on  them. I slipped in my rush to save them.

I am planning a getaway

which I might have to do on my own and this always focusses my attention on the issues of being a lone female at home and abroad. But I’ve had enough of being a broad alone at home

Many places frequented by wholesome family-types regard a woman circulating unguarded by a man with alarm. Startled gazelle-eyes wondering whether I'm a needy parasite or a sexual predator. In northern Spain I was once asked to leave a bar where I had the nerve to sit without consort.

The answer of course, is too visit the less genteel neighbourhoods. Watch this space...


  1. yes ... typing in a hurry does that

  2. Brilliant solution on the bath water: two birds, one stone!

  3. But I’ve had enough of being a broad alone at home

    absolutely one of your best lines EVER, sugar! ;) xoxoxo

  4. Insert smiley face (with appropriate shrug)
    Um...where *are* you going? Around 2am things here get decidedly unladylike.Shoould I do up the spare room?

    1. I've heard tales of your part of the world Dinah, and I'm sure I'd love it - but it's bit too far away for me. Looking at the Balkans

  5. Ran out of oil yesterday, so I might come with you.


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