Tuesday, February 4

Luxury Bow Sale

The local shop is having a Luxury Bow sale - I think these will have a use beyond sticking on gifts, the addition of a luxury bow will surely elevate anything; cakes, piles of dirty washing ... maybe if bad news was delivered with a luxury bow it would make it better  - a sort of medal for bravery.

My husband has been in India for a month, he got home last night and is a bit disoriented. While I  cooked supper he told me travellers tales

then he noticed the jugs of coffee and bowls of used tea bags that I am planning to use for wool dying.

What are those?
Coffee and teabags to colour a jumper

Is that normal?

I might have mentioned my fondness for verbatim poetry before, todays UKIP tweet compilation on the Verbatim Poetry site is lovely


  1. A most excellent tweet!
    I will abstain from sitting on the washing machine during the spin cycle resulting in guarranteed wall to wall sunshine over the UK tomorrow.
    I wish.

    1. Don't deny yourself the little pleasures, you stay sat xx

  2. This just in: Please refrain from water skiing for a few days!

    1. Was actually swimming with Chris this morning - he says Hi!

  3. If anyone captures the croc, you can award a Luxury Bow for services rendered. But it could just be a log under the bridge...

    1. a busman with imagination and a sense that we need some fun methinks

  4. I could use a few bags of luxury bows. "No son, you cannot have a sleepover on a school night, but here is a luxury bow." And, "Thanks for inviting me to your party. Rather than bring wine, I brought you a luxury bow." And finally, "Happy Valentines Day!"

    1. Luxury Bows - every parent's little helper but won't wash with a Valentine girl I'm afraid

  5. Thanks for the link to the poem, it's marvellous.


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